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Search Results 46285
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NIER’s No. Remark Percentage & Regulatory Information
83804-09-5 Chromate(1-), bis[4-[(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-[[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)imino]methyl]phenolato(2-)]-, sodium KE-05959
83804-10-8 Chromate(1-), bis[4-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-2-[[(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)imino]methyl]phenolato(2-)]-, lithium KE-05958
9007-28-7 Chondroitin, hydrogen sulfate KE-05957
Choline salt of 6-hydroxy-2H-pyridazine-3-one KE-05956
28319-77-9 Choline glycerophosphate KE-05955
77-91-8 Choline dihydrogen citrate KE-05954
9028-76-6 Cholesterol oxidase KE-05953
303-43-5 Cholesterol 3β-oleate; Cholest-5-en-3-β-yloleate KE-05952
9026-00-0 Cholesterol esterase KE-05951
27321-96-6 α-[(3β)-Cholest-5-en-3-yl]-ω-hydroxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) KE-05950
  • When there is no matching result, or the substance is only marked on the “OECD HPV chemicals”, it is considered “Non-phase-in substance” (※ “OECD HPV chemicals” means chemical substances that are globally manufactured or imported over 1,000 tons.)
  • Please note that the information on salts of toxic substance or heavy metal compound may not be found at NCIS. In this case, it is recommended to consider relevant Public Notices of the Ministry of Environment for understanding accurate regulatory information.
  • When the substance you search is a “hydrate” and other substance except the hydrate is listed as phase-in substance, the substance you search is not deemed as non-phase-in substance.
  • “Hydrate” of phase-in substance subject to registration is also deemed as phase-in substance subject to registration.
  • Percentage in product and regulatory information of toxic substance, substance subject to authorization, restricted substance or prohibited substance are also available by clicking “Percentage & Regulatory Information”.
  • When “Substance Requiring Preparation for Accidents” under NIER’s No. is marked, it is recommended to find more information at “Korea Information System for Chemical Management (https://icis.me.go.kr).”
    The information on this web site is intended to be useful and informative as a reference for those preparing registration of chemical substance and other stakeholders. This web site, its operator and the Ministry of Environment shall not be liable for any losses or damage of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on the information contained within this web site.